Send forth your spirit; and renew the face of the earth ~Psalms 104:30
An outpouring of the Holy Spirit brings us into a personal relationship with Jesus. Knowing Him as a close friend, loving Him as a brother, trusting Him yield unenumerable gifts. Healing, understanding, peace, wisdom, rest, joy, contentment are only the beginning. Join us as we pray "Come Holy Spirit!"
PrayerWe pray as warriors, filled with the Holy Spirit. Please join our active prayer group each week:
Bay City: Wednesdays at 7:00pm Charismatic Renewal Center 607 E. South Union Suite 200 Bay City, MI 48706 Marlette area: Contact is Kelly (call for location) 615-295-5045 Group meets the 1st, 3rd and 5th Wednesday at 4pm Ubly, at St. John’s parish chapel Contact person is JoAnn Roy, 904-571-0156 Meets 1st and 3rd Thursday at 5pm |
Praise and Worship
May we the Church never stop proclaiming to the Glory of God the Father "JESUS IS LORD."